Jonathan Weiss

Jonathan Weiss

  • Location: Serenity Psychotherapy
  • Email:
  • Phone: 1-347-358-9568

Personal Experience & Biography

Sometimes in life as we strive through our day to day to do our best, we almost suddenly can find ourselves in a place where we’re stressed, unfulfilled, unhappy, disillusioned, confused, betrayed, pained, or just generally ill at ease. The obstacles of life become menacing in our mind’s eye, and we lose both emotional and rational perspective. We suffer. Although we cannot undo our pain we’ve experienced or eliminate suffering from the human condition, we can learn to practice acceptance, improve our means of coping, learn how to improve relationships, and resolve the challenges that prevent us from finding true peace.

In our work together my clients are able to better deal and manage anxiety, stress, anger, and low mood states. I use a person-centered approach and utilize researched and effective therapy techniques in order to assist my clients in attaining meaningful positive life changes. 

I am available via Telehealth through Serenity Psychotherapy and my schedule is quite flexible.

Contact With Jonathan Weiss

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